From the main screen, you can customize your base, go to attack, and access to all features.
Tap on a building and hold down your thumb on it, and drag where you want to move. To get more information about a building, tap on it and choose (i) option. Also,
Buildings are of many types:- defense, production, for training, for heroes, storage, and more. Let’s take a look at all: – [Tap on the hammer icon at bottom right to access to buildings]
1. Coin Factory – This factory produces coins for you, the number of coins per hour can be increased by upgrading it.
2. Troop Shop – Troop shop in Talking Tom Camp is the building where you train your troops. To unlock new troops in Tom Camp, you have to upgrade troop shop.
3. Research Lab – You will not be able to win the match against powerful camp if you have low-level troops. To upgrade or level-up troops in Talking Tom Camp, you have to build the research lab. You can build after you upgrade tree-house[TH] to
level 3.
4. Evaporator – It creates a big dome over the buildings, attackers have to destroy the dome to get the buildings within it. It is one of the best defensive building in Talking Tom Campgame.
5. Cannon – Cannon targets air troops.
6. Mine – Mine is another defense unit, it creates a problem for attackers with its slipperyplatform.
7. Bird House – Birdhouse attacks air troops
8. Puddle – This small unit can do serious damage to ground troops
9. Tower – Attacks both type of troops; ground and air
10. Sprinkler – The damage attribute of this unit is really great. Placing it around treehouse means a step towards the victory.
11. Storage – You can not store an unlimited number of coins because storage capacity is limited. Upgrade storage to store more coins.
12. Tactics Fort – Do you want spectacular tactics? Then build it
13. Catapult – It is a great long-range device, attack enemiesfrom a range. Also, see
– Best Offline games for Android
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