Your Target Buildings


Your Target Buildings


You have limited coins, don’t spend them blindly. For example; you have 15,000 coins and you spend all to upgrade tree-house, ignoring other buildings. Before upgrading tree- house, build all the unlocked buildings and upgrade all of them. Also, see – Best escape games for Android




Upgrading buildings rewards you XP, XP used for leveling-up the player profile/camp level.



Defense Base Strategy


The opponent will get the victory if he/she damages 50% or more of your camp or only tree-house. As you know, you can deploy troops on the road only. So place your short

range defensive units[tower, sprinkler etc.] first, then long-range defensive units[catapault, tower etc.]. Your treehouse should be covered from all sides[place it in the middle]. Also, see – Best game guides


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